All stories are real, as told by real business owners, with individual experiences that may vary. Customers do not receive monetary compensation for telling their stories.
real estate company

Biz2Credit Helps Entrepreneurs Purchase Their Rental Property

Devang and Falguni Patel, owners of Falguni Properties, have been in business for over three years. Establishing their North Carolina based gas station and convenience store in 2014, the husband and wife team were renting the property until they decided it was time to become official Commercial Real Estate Property owners.

"This is our first foray into CRE ownership," says Devang. "We searched for the perfect location for a long time, and luckily we came across this property three years ago. Since then, it has been our goal to purchase it from the original owner."

After seeing Biz2Credit's advertisements on TV and Social Media, the Patels decided to act on their entrepreneurial dream.

"Biz2Credit was at the forefront of our minds when we decided to purchase the property," says Devang. "We had read the Success Stories and seen how other businesses have thrived due to their partnership with Biz2Credit. We knew that this was the way we wanted to go."

"We received the financing within a week, which was much faster than we were expecting" says Devang. "The process was painless and required minimal documentation."

The Patels are thrilled to be property owners after three years of renting.

"We are already thinking about how to expand Falguni Properties even further this year," says Devang. "I definitely plan to work with Biz2Credit again because of their speed and efficiency. And Funding Specialist Revathi was very helpful!"

Devang says he would absolutely recommend Biz2Credit to other gas station owners looking for financing.

"When you need funding, turn to Biz2Credit," he says. "They can absolutely get you what you need in a very short amount of time compared to traditional lenders"

"We received the financing within a week, which was much faster than we were expecting" says Devang. "The process was painless and required minimal documentation."