All stories are real, as told by real business owners, with individual experiences that may vary. Customers do not receive monetary compensation for telling their stories.
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Biz2Credit Funds Hospitality Business

Hem Raj Singh, owner of Sharloc Hospitality, has been in business for four years now and has been able to maintain a ten-employee hospitality business, known as Fun Hotels Motel 6.

Hem began his hospitality journey 15 years ago and has always been passionate about providing a service to travelers from all over the world. Over time, Hem found himself growing tired of pleasing and helping fulfill his bosses" dreams and decided it was the perfect opportunity to turn his passion into an entrepreneurship of his own.

In September 2017, Hem came to Biz2Credit with an immediate goal of refinancing his hotel. "Any other route would have taken me a lot longer to close, and the reliability of Biz2Credit allowed me to feel reassured throughout the entire loan agreement process', says Hem, who was so confident in his decision, that he did not even consider other lenders for funding.

Since obtaining the loan, Hem has seen only success and says he owes his new found achievements to Biz2Credit. He has been able to see a huge increase in occupancy, and has taken advantage of cashing in on those seasonal revenues that hospitality entrepreneurs thrive on.

When asked how likely he would be to refer a friend or colleague to Biz2Credit, Hem gives Biz2Credit top marks with a 100%.

Purchasing another hotel property is in the near future for Hem and he would advise any other small business owner to defer to Biz2Credit for honesty, professionalism, and trustworthy service.

"Any other route would have taken me a lot longer to close, and the reliability of Biz2Credit allowed me to feel reassured throughout the entire loan agreement process", says Hem, who was so confident in his decision, that he did not even consider other lenders for funding."