All stories are real, as told by real business owners, with individual experiences that may vary. Customers do not receive monetary compensation for telling their stories.
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Walsh Electrical

Walsh Electrical Contracting, Inc. was founded in Staten Island, New York, in 1976. Initially the company focused on the residential market. Just a few years later, the company began to branch out into the commercial sector outside Staten Island and steadily grew throughout New York City in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets.

In 2011, Kevin Walsh, passed away and the company is now run by his son, Ryan. During the post-recession credit crunch, traditional lenders were reluctant to fund companies involved in commercial construction, an industry deemed too risky by banks to lend.

After trying and failing to secure credit on his own, Ryan Walsh contacted Biz2Credit and was connected with his case manager, Shawn Cournoyer, who guided him through the loan approval process. With Shawn's help, Walsh Electric was able to secure a line of credit that will help the company with its expansion plans.

walsh electrical

"I definitely would recommend Biz2Credit to a friend," Walsh said. "Shawn was diligent and helped guide us through the process to get the funding we needed.

Biz2Credit can help you with your credit needs, too. Call (877) 861-2210 and ask to speak with a Biz2Credit loan specialist today.

I definitely would recommend Biz2Credit to a friend, Walsh said. "Shawn was diligent and helped guide us through the process to get the funding we needed.