Everything You Wanted to Know About Bulk Mailing in 2022
December 3, 2021 | Last Updated on: January 10, 2024

December 3, 2021 | Last Updated on: January 10, 2024
DISCLAIMER: This article was written in 2021 and has not been updated. For more up to date information about small business funding products and options, please browse our recent articles.
Taking advantage of bulk mailing rates is a great way to optimize your businesses marketing budget. As a business, it is likely that you will be sending lots of direct mail on a monthly or even quarterly basis, so it is important to figure out how to send bulk mail easily and affordably. Doing so will help you save a lot of money on your business mailings.
Bulk mailing is a cost-effective mailing system for your business. If you’re just sending a few letters here and there, you probably will not need or qualify for bulk mailing. But if your business is sending out hundreds of flyers, postcards, or magazines at once, taking advantage of bulk rates can save your business a fortune on annual mailing costs.
To qualify for bulk mailing postage rates, you will need to meet a certain minimum number of pieces. How many pieces that is depends on what type of mail you’re sending. The minimum mailing piece numbers for postage discounts are:
There are several types of mail services that the U.S. Postal Service offers its customers and it’s important to know which one suits your businesses bulk mailing needs. The three types of bulk mail that are most likely a fit for your business needs are: First Class Mail, Marketing Mail, and Every Door Direct Mailing (EDDM).
If your business sends mail across the country, First Class Mail is an excellent option for you and your business. No matter if the mail is going 40 miles or 4000 miles, the price for mail sent First Class is always the same flat rate. First Class Mail includes letters, cards, flats, and parcels weighing under 13 ounces.
If your business sends out lots of flyers, circulars, newsletters, catalogues, or small parcels that weigh under 16 ounces each, Marketing Mail could be the optimal way for you to reach new and existing customers. It is important to note that international mail does not qualify as Marketing Mail.
Every Door Direct Mailing (EDDM) is a great way to promote your business in your local community. EDDM allows you to send targeted mail to specified areas without having the actual names and addresses of the people that live in that location. So, if you are a new restaurant, real estate agent, or local politician running a campaign, EDDM could be a great option for your scenario. EDDM allows you to mail USPS Marketing Mail Flats (which are flat rate envelopes) weighing up to 3.3 oz at a huge discount.
The U.S. Postal Service regularly raises their standard mail pricing so subsequently the pricing for bulk mailing also increases. Nevertheless, there is still a substantial discount to take advantage of. The bulk mail rates for 2022 are:
Mail Type | Minimum Quantity | 2022 Postage Rates |
First-Class Mail | 500 Pieces | $0.43 |
Marketing Mail | 200 Pieces (or 50 lbs.) | $0.20 |
EDDM | 200 Pieces | $0.20 |
Nonprofit organizations are eligible for substantial mail postage discounts – up to 84% – so if your organization is a non-profit, be sure to take advantage of that.
Although bulk mailing rates are continuously rising, connecting with new and existing customers through direct mail is a wise investment for your businesses to make. Here are some ways that you can keep bulk mail rates down while still seeing a great return on investment.
There are two ways to go about sending bulk mail: You can hire a bulk mailing service, or you can Do It Yourself (DIY).
There are several bulk mailing services that come recommended by the USPS. They are:
If you decide that you would prefer to manage your bulk mailing in-house, you can do so by simply following the normal process of:
While it is a bit more legwork to DIY your bulk mailing, it can save your business a fair amount of money over using a service. The extra effort can be worth it when you’re just starting out and don’t have a clear idea of what the ROI on your bulk mailing efforts will be.
Most DIY bulk mailing projects end up being a headache because they start without a system in place. The most important thing you can do if you’re DIYing your bulk mail is to set up a system to keep track of everything. Having a standard mailing process will make everything much easier for you and your team. Rather than having bulk mailing be a project that takes up one employee’s time for an entire week, consider diverting an afternoon of several staff members’ time to bulk mailing. You can even order pizza for everyone for lunch and make it a party.