Extending Credit for Your Small Business and Customers: The Things to Know
April 22, 2021 | Last Updated on: June 30, 2023

April 22, 2021 | Last Updated on: June 30, 2023
As many small businesses grow and expand their customer base, a big question business owners face is how to increase cash flow and maintain customer loyalty. One of the ways to do that is to offer credit to customers. By offering credit, you can increase your working capital, increase sales, and attract new customers.
If you’re wondering if your business should extend credit, here are the things to know:
Providing credit as an option can…
We’re going to go into more detail and discuss the implications of extending credit as well as the upsides and downsides. But if this is something that could work for your small business and help it grow, it is definitely something to talk to your bank or lending partner about.
Extending credit to customers allows them to purchase goods or services and pay for them later on. It’s like using a credit card where you (the business owner) are the lender. Here’s how it would work:
It’s as easy as that. Three steps and you add a new customer.
Extending credit is not an unusual thing in business. Credit cards are a form of credit, as are bank checks. In fact, the only non-form of credit is cash because it immediately provides you with the money due. Businesses offer payment options (like credit cards and checks) because it leads to increased sales and more potential customers.
When you’ve decided that you want to start extending credit to your customers, there are some steps to follow to ensure you have everything you need to issue successful credit terms to customers.
It is important to stick to your credit policy once you’ve made it, especially to ensure customer loyalty and help your employees. Starting the credit policy ensures your employees know how to offer credit to customers while the detailed bullet points below help set up potential customers.
When specifically looking at customers, you want to make sure that you have specific information that you can use to get paid and ensure creditworthiness for customers. You should craft a credit policy that includes:
You can put disclaimers with your policy and set credit limits, but the bottom line is that you need to get paid for goods sold.
We sifted through lists of pros and cons about extending credit to determine what most people are saying. We found five main pros and cons:
These pros and cons will hopefully help you decide whether the implications of your business extending credit are worthwhile. As with any business decision, it is important to exercise caution and due diligence in assessing your options.
When looking at extending credit for your business, there are two other forms we wanted to quickly discuss. Vendors and lenders both offer different kinds of credit for your business that is helpful to know about.
Lenders and banks already know whether your business has a good credit history. Your credit (which is very similar to a personal credit score) can determine whether you are eligible for loans or other funding. Banks can extend credit in this way to your business to help with funding and ensure that you can stay afloat.
As businesses are reopening and e-commerce is picking up, many small businesses are figuring out how to pay suppliers and sell to new vendors. This is where trade credit with vendors comes into play. Trade credit is a loan extended by one business to another (typically in a vendor relationship) where the goods are bought with credit with the cash coming at a later date. This is similar to how you, as a business owner, might extend credit to a customer.
Both of these credit options can be important to helping your business run and succeed. Although, with all credit, they can limit your cash flow. As a small business, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of extending or receiving credit.
Many businesses offer credit extensions already. In fact, we’ve talked about trade credit options for small businesses before. But extending credit to customers can help your own business while increasing your working capital and cash flow in the long run.
As businesses are opening back up, and customers are buying more, it may help your brand and business to extend credit to customers. That goodwill could translate to new customers, although it will reduce your immediate cashflow.
At the end of the day, every business is different. Before making any decisions, it’s important to look at how the pros and cons will affect your working capital and ability to stay open. Create a credit policy and determine if it is something that works for your bottom line.