Definitive Guide to Small Business Tax Rates
July 25, 2023 | Last Updated on: April 24, 2024

July 25, 2023 | Last Updated on: April 24, 2024
Small business entrepreneurs might know everything under the sun about the product or service that they are marketing, but even the sharpest experts in their respective fields might not know that much about how different types of companies are taxed.
If you’re a small business owner, do you know what your tax rates will be? The answer to that question is critical for your financial management and varies widely depending on what type of business you own, as well as other critical factors.
A ‘C’ corporation is taxed at 21%, but an ‘S’ corporation and a sole proprietorship carry different tax rates. The sole proprietor of a company doesn’t have to deal with the same tax rate that a ‘C’ corporation does. One’s personal income tax rate applies when paying taxes on a sole proprietorship.
If you own a business of your own, it can be very beneficial to find out what tax cuts, exemptions, tax deductions, or incentives you might qualify for, as well as knowing all the taxes for which you are responsible. Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs diving into the realm of owning their own business might not realize that they’re also responsible for more than just income tax, including unemployment taxes and payroll taxes.
What kind of small business tax rates are there? What’s my local tax? What’s the minimum tax? How does my small business income impact my tax rate? We answer all of these questions here.