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The modern healthcare system is growing markedly, with an expectation to reach $819 billion in 2027, according to McKinsey. And it’s not just patients spending more money, it’s also the way that healthcare businesses run, secure and expand their operations that is causing dramatic spending. 

Healthcare providers and businesses are under increasing pressure to improve outcomes while reducing costs, complying with new data privacy laws, and staying ahead of cyber threats. These new hurdles are on top of the already high-demand business in health care to run a successful and profitable operation. 

Here’s what all of this means for you and your business in the coming new year. 

The Rise of Automation in Healthcare 

Automation is revolutionizing the modern healthcare industry by streamlining operations, improving efficiency, and reducing costs. Tasks such as appointment scheduling, patient intake, billing, and insurance claim processing are increasingly being handled by automated systems, freeing up staff to focus on higher-value work. In fact, a recent survey from the American Medical Association indicates nearly two-thirds of doctors see advantages of using it in their practice. 

However, it doesn’t come without hesitation. The same study from the AMA found physicians are most concerned about the impact to the patient-physician relationship (39%) and patient privacy (41%). Some are waiting for further clinical research to prove that it can improve their practice. 

Value-Based Care  

Modern healthcare is moving away from the fee-for-service (FFS) model, which rewards providers for the quantity of services they deliver, toward value-based care (VBC). This model has been proven to be better for both patients and providers. Here are a few reasons why: 

  • Cost Efficiency: Reduce unnecessary tests and hospitalizations, lower overall healthcare costs, and allow for more efficient resource allocation 
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: Focus on patient engagement fosters better communication and satisfaction 
  • Improved Care Coordination: VBC encourages collaboration among providers and reduces service duplication 
  • Sustainable Business Model: The VBC model can improve long-term business viability by attracting patients who prioritize quality care 

In summary, value-based care improves patient outcomes, reduces costs, and enhances the overall efficiency and sustainability of healthcare systems. While the transition to VBC brings challenges, it holds the potential to make healthcare more sustainable and equitable.  

Blockchain Integration for Data Security 

The integration of blockchain technology in modern healthcare is coming to head as a possibility to address critical data security challenges. Healthcare organizations handle vast amounts of sensitive patient data, including medical histories and insurance information, making them prime targets for cyberattacks.  

Here’s how it could work for your healthcare business: 

Blockchain enables encrypted, immutable records that can only be accessed with proper authorization, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. With data distributed across multiple nodes, it makes the system more resilient to cyberattacks. This system also aids with HIPAA compliance by providing auditable trails of all transactions, ensuring accountability and improving overall data integrity. 

To move a business in health care to a blockchain system, it should begin by assessing its current data management systems and identifying areas where blockchain can provide the most benefit, such as patient data security, supply chain management, or clinical trials. From there, partner with a blockchain tech partner with expertise in healthcare compliance to ensure the data is stored safely and remains accessible. 

This can be a large project for a modern healthcare business, but with the right implementation, it can improve care coordination and give better security measures to sensitive information. 

Bottom Line

As we look ahead to 2025, automation and blockchain are poised to play pivotal roles in reshaping the healthcare landscape.  Routine tasks—such as patient scheduling, claims processing, and data entry—are becoming more efficient, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care. Similarly, AI-powered tools are enhancing diagnostics and personalized treatment plans, improving outcomes while reducing costs. 

These technologies offer healthcare providers the opportunity to reimagine their operations and care models.