Understanding Online Loan Fees: What Fees to Expect with Kabbage, Funding Circle and On...
February 12, 2019 | Last Updated on: October 14, 2024

February 12, 2019 | Last Updated on: October 14, 2024
The first step to choosing the right loan for your small business is to understand the fees that are associated. With so many online financing options out there for your business, it can be difficult to know what to expect ahead of time. By navigating and accounting for all fees, this will save your business from being blindsided by hidden costs later on in the process.
This summarizes your total borrowing cost into a single number, including the interest rate, application fees, legal fees, broker fees, closing costs, origination fees, and more. This is sometimes known as the all-inclusive cost. The APR is always higher than the simple interest rate that is quoted because it tends to be all-inclusive in nature. An APR is also an annualized rate meaning that it’s spread out over each year of the loan.
Factors that affect a borrower’s APR include one’s credit history, the value of the loan compared to the value of the company, and one’s debt-to-income ratio. Lenders will take into consideration your current and projected business revenues, along with your personal and business credit score, to determine the likelihood that you can repay your debt obligations on time. It’s important to note that only some financing products carry a true APR. Others, like lines of credit or cash advances won’t be quoted with APRs.
The interest rate for a business loan depends on your qualifications, background, the loan-period, and the type of loan you select. Online loans can have interest rates ranging from 7% to over 100% due to the ease of service and other advantages. Online and alternative lenders also have reduced eligibility criteria, which makes it easier for non-traditional businesses to gain access to loans.
This fee is usually charged to cover the cost of reviewing your loan application and is not refunded if you are not approved. This is sometimes categorized together with the processing fee.
Also referred to as the closing fee, this is charged for processing and disbursing the loan. This may be a flat fee or a percentage of the loan amount. If ’’s quoted as a percentage, it is usually around 1 to 6% of the loan amount.