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Biz2Credit Will Host ‘The State of Women-Owned Businesses Today’ Online Forum with Rep. Young Kim and Rep. Brittany Pettersen on March 26, 2024

Although there are roughly 14 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. as of early 2024, many of these companies remain underserved financially by traditional lenders, including banks.

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November / -0001

Fed's Interest Rate Hikes Are Premature

Although there has been a trio of rate hikes over the last half year, interest rates are still low, which is good news for small business owners.

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November / -0001

Older Entrepreneurs Are More Likely to Get Funding

A new study has found that while younger small-business owners are the most likely to apply for funding, entrepreneurs 50 and older are the ones most likely to receive it.

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November / -0001

7 things to know today and loan approval rates at banks, alternative lenders decline

Small business loan approval rates at big banks fell two-tenths of a percent from April's 24.3% figure, a post-recession high, to 24.1% in May. The drop comes after approval rates at big banks climbed for most of the year.

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November / -0001

Biz2Credit Reports: Loan Approval Rates Drop at Banks & Alternative Lenders in May 2017

On Tuesday, Biz2Credit released its latest Small Business Lending Index that revealed loan approval rates at big banks, small banks, alternative lenders, and credit unions took a slight dip in May 2017.

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November / -0001

Three Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn from Wonder Woman

DC Comics first published its Wonder Woman comic book in the 1941. When Harvard psychologist William Morton Marston created the character, he depicted a female superhero who possessed physical

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November / -0001

Biz2Credit Tells Banks To Stop Fixating On Millennials

As the age of a small business owner increases, so do their chances of having a loan application approved by bank lenders, according to research from Biz2Credit.

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November / -0001

JFK and the SBA

John F. Kennedy would have turned 100 on May 29. Across the country, local communities have celebrated the life and legacy of America's 35th President.

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November / -0001

Five Ways to Avoid a Cyber Attack

The greatest threat to a business in the 21st century could come from an unknown person on the other side of the world. Hacking attacks cost the average American firm $15.4 million.

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November / -0001

Have Your 2016 Returns Available If You Want a Small Business Loan Now

Small business loan approval rates at big banks increased by two-tenths of a percent to a post-recession high of 24.3% in April 2017.

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Learn about our platform, Biz2X

Read news coverage of our business lending platform and the ways that bankers are using Biz2X to scale their lending operations.

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