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Vista Pharmaceuticals

Biz2Credit Helps Pharma Company Secure $575k SBA-Backed Loan

Vista Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company founded by a group of doctors in 2006 to manufacture and market bulk drugs for the U.S. market. In late 2009

they received FDA approval for their manufacturing plant located in India to start shipping bulk drugs to the US market.

In order to market and distribute the drugs, the doctors needed working capital to recruit marketing staff as well as set up the infrastructure needed to handle all the sales calls. The company approached Biz2Credit to help raise debt financing. Its main challenges were that it had incurred had $2 million in losses during in last 2 years due to initial research and development (R&D) and lacked a revenue stream.

Doctors approached Biz2Credit to help them in raising debt financing for the company which has losses in last 2 years due to initial research and development (R&D) to a tune of $2 million. These huge losses and lack of any revenue was making banks extremely hesitant in giving any kind of financing to the company.

Biz2Credit suggested the company to amortize the R&D expenses over 5 years and to get an industry valuation for the FDA license. The valuation of the license at around $2 million coupled with amortized losses enabled the company to become eligible for a SBA 7(a) loan


  • Vista Pharmaceuticals obtained $575k in working capital at a low interest rate (6%).
  • Vista Pharmaceuticalsestablish strong business credit which will help it secure conventional funding.
  • The company has created 5 jobs already.

Vista Pharmaceuticals obtained $575k in working capital at a low interest rate (6%).

– Annual Women Owned Business Study Webinar on March 13th 1pm EST.